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Beach weather is around the corner


Updated: Mar 30, 2023

It might feel like a long time away but it will be here before you know it.

Be ready when the snow melts for your Spring Cleanup.

Here’s a list of to-do’s:

* Remove shrub winter wrap before it gets too warm. You don't want to cook your plants.

* Remove holiday lights. Twinkle pergola lights are totally acceptable in the summer.

* Check the lawns for treasures if you (or your neighbour's) have four legged friends.

* Rake lawns and gardens to clean up twigs, leaves and debris

* Clean the window wells and behind the shed.

* Cut back perennial skeletons and grasses.

* Remove any annuals and weeds that might have been overlooked last fall.

* Check shrubs for winter damage and prune out any rough spots. It is easier to identify crossing and rubbing branches while the shrubs are still bare.

* Don’t prune too much unless you are trying to rejuvenate, you don’t want to remove all your spring blooms.

* Add in new soil and top up with a fresh layer of quality mulch.

* Create new sharp crisp edges on your gardens while the soil is soft

*Add soil, seasonal fertilizer and a fresh layer of mulch

PHEW! That's a lot of work!

There's still more....

* Topdress the lawns where there are bare spots and over-seed.

* Don't forget to look up.... check your trees for hangers, gypsy moth, crossing or rubbing branches. If the lawn at the base of your trees is thin, you likely would benefit from an arborist to maintenance prune your trees. Clean up the canopy, elevate low branches and check for any health issues. This is something you should certainly not take on yourself.


Call me.

I'll get your gardens up and ready for the warm weather. While we're at it, let's get together and plan out your gardens. Let's make your happy place beautiful.

- Keri

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Spring and Fall Clean ups, Pruning, Garden care and maintenance, Landscaping, Garden Design and Renovation, Planting, Mulching, Property Staging


Service areas: Port Rowan, Long Point, Turkey Point, Simcoe, Tillsonburg, Delhi, Port Dover and Burlington, Oakville

289-888-1323 / 519-420-9799

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